Infant Development Program (IDP)

Remi Vista’s Infant Development Program (IDP) is designed to assist Far Northern Regional Center’s efforts to identify and support children ages 0-5 who may experience developmental delays. All services are designed to be provided in the child’s natural environment. This includes the assessment, scheduled visits and the curriculum.

How does it work?
IDP seeks to assist children who have developmental delays by accurately assessing skills in the following domains, cognitive, language, gross motor, fine motor, social emotional development.

After a child has been assessed, a curriculum is designed and goals are established to increase skills in all six developmental domains. Appropriate interactions are increased between the caregiver and the child. The caregiver will gain an overall knowledge of the six developmental domains.

Anticipated outcomes
As a result of participation in this program, the following measurable outcomes are possible:

A demonstrated improvement from baseline ratings of the child’s cognitive, language, gross motor, fine motor, social emotional development and self-help skills.

Numerous caregiver-child activities designed to facilitate positive caregiver-child interactions.

Instruction and modeling address the specific deficits and excesses for each individual as measured by parent report and professional observation.

Families can expect consistent and informative interaction with a Remi Vista specialist who is experienced and knowledgeable in childhood development.

Service offered in: Redding and Yreka

Redding Office
3191 Churn Creek Rd.
Redding, CA 96002
(530) 224-7160
(530) 224-7168 fax

Yreka Office
322 1/2 West Center St.
Yreka, CA 96097
(530) 841-7190
(530) 841-7194 fax

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